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Consequently, microorganisms are strongly relying on carbohydrates and carbohydrate binding structures for specific regulation of their environment and of the microbiome host axis.
You can rely on our 20 years of experience in the field of microbial carbohydrate and microbiome applications.
We analysed yet more than 10.000 strains for carbohydrate related properties.
With our MicroSIS-Platform we can screen the microbiome for microorganisms expressing specific carbohydrate structures.
Bacterial strains which naturally express a carbohydrate structure mimicking receptor for a pathogen, a virus or a toxin can specifically displaces the pathogen, virus or toxin and potentially avoid the related disease.
Example: Binding and neutralizing the cholera toxin. Toutounian et. al. Human Microbiome Journal, Volume 18, December 2020
Example: Microbial carbohydrate antigen inducing an anti-cancer immune response. Ulsemer et. al. Beneficial Microbes. 2016 Sep;7(4):485-500.
Bacterial strains naturally expressing or secreting specific carbohydrate structures (antigen or immune stimulatory) can stimulate the immune system.
Bacterial strains naturally expressing or secreting specific carbohydrate structures can promote or inhibit the growth of other species.
ACARYON GmbH • Biotech Campus Berlin-Buch
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 • Building D79 • 13125 Berlin (Germany)
One of the most important and recent paradigm shifts in medicine is the recognition of the central role that the gut microbiome plays in human health. However, the implementation of research findings in concrete applications is limited by the lack of specific analysis systems. Mainly, there is a lack of reliable and standardized in vitro platforms allowing to run high throughput analysis on the human microbiome. With the financial support of the EU and the state of Berlin, ACARYON develops a new in vitro human microbiome model that aims mimicking the natural gut conditions, thereby allowing to ensure a stable composition of the human microbiome in the system for more than 48 hours.